
Top tips on stress-free travel with an infant

Top tips on stress-free travel with an infant

Planning to travel with an infant can be extremely stressful, especially if you're a first-time parent.

What if your baby gets fussy on the plane?

You'll be one of "those parents", the one with the screaming baby that everyone hates.

What if your bundle of joy won't sleep in a strange crib? What about germs?

And, and, and….Relax. Your baby is pretty much at home wherever you are.

As long as you don't mess with their schedule too much, babies can actually be less fussy travelers than, well, you!

Pack smart

We all tend to overpack when we travel, and new parents are the worse culprits when it comes to this.

Unless your baby is allergic to certain diapers or formula, do a little research before you go and see what brands are available locally and what the nearest distribution point is.

Don't be afraid to call the hotel where you made your reservation and ask a few questions. A lot of all-inclusive hotels with childcare staff on hand can give you some pretty good feedback

Don't take more than a three-day supply of baby clothes; they are pretty small items and can easily be hand-washed even in the hotel bathroom sink.

Allot one diaper per hour of travel time.

Bring a solid supply of baby wipes or cleansing cloths for quick head-to-toe clean-ups as the ultimate diaper mess and record-breaking spit-ups always happen at the worst possible time.

Flight pre-check

You're in a small cramped space for hours at a time, with the additional possibility of flight delays and walking long distances with a baby.

A body carrier or wrap for the baby may make it easier going to combat these issues, but remember that you have to go through luggage checks and the alternative may be a lightweight easy fold stroller. (The stroller may be a godsend when actually on your trip or to save your aching back. Remember travel can be rough on you too!)

If you're flying, babies can get dehydrated, just like you do.

If you are exclusively breastfeeding, you should be prepared to nurse more.

If your baby is over six months old and bottle-fed, sips of water or formula will do.

To avoid ear pain from cabin pressure, offer a pacifier or bottle during takeoff and initial descent.

Keep your baby healthy

There's no greater agony for a parent than a sick child, except maybe one while on vacation.

Ask your pediatrician about giving your baby a flu shot before traveling and make sure the baby's vaccinations are up to date.

Do your research as even flu strains are different than where you are traveling from.

Bring any medications your infant takes, plus three or four extra days' worth in case your return is delayed.

If a medical problem (i.e., a whopping double ear infection) forces you to cancel travel plans, call the airlines and hotels to see if they'll negotiate on non-refundable fares.

People can be surprisingly understanding, especially if they hear a sick infant in the background. A doctor's note is also usually helpful.

Adjust your mindset

Know that patience will be your best ally and, just as you did with those first sleepless nights, you'll adjust soon enough with the right approach.

Make sure to walk up and down the aisle of the plane on a long flight with the baby, as long as the fasten seat belt sign is off.

It will be good for you, and the baby.

Let baby stretch and wriggle around but try your best to start adjusting baby's sleep times to a new schedule if in a new time zone or sticking to their regular schedule if not switching.

The last thing you want to be doing is a 3 am play session when you're exhausted.

Leave the big stuff behind

You'll definitely appreciate the fact that you won't be hauling cumbersome items for your entire trip.

At some hotels certain baby items are included, so make sure to ask to see what you can quickly eliminate from your list of what-to-pack for your vacation.

Many car rental companies also rent car seats for a small daily fee, so check with them before you begin your trip.

Whether you rent or bring your own, a decent stroller is a must.

You don't even realize how accustomed you are to having your go-to baby items at hand, especially in a non-baby-proofed environment.

Sometimes it's simply just really useful to be able to stroll along as the baby sleeps, and you take in the sights on your vacation.

Layer baby

You want your baby to be snug and temperature changes are frequent between winter and air-conditioned environments and hot tropical days, however, keep it simple.

Dress baby in easy-on, easy-off pajamas for travel and then add layers for warmth depending on the environment. The baby will be comfortable and it will be easier for you to control.

When you're going through airport security or just changing a diaper, you want to keep everything simple. You don't want to be taking off shoes, socks, and jackets and then repeating the process numerous times.

You know your baby best.

Take essentials like medicine and basic care items, then simply ask yourself what they really need and can't get where you're going.
