
Best emergency healthcare facilities in Kingston

Best emergency healthcare facilities in Kingston

Medical treatment in Jamaica can be a smart and cost-effective way to care for your health.

The reality is that healthcare costs have been rising so giving yourself more healthcare choices is a move you won't regret.

That's why medical tourism is becoming popular, especially in Caribbean countries like Jamaica where advanced healthcare services are available.

Also, accidents can happen while you're on vacation.

So, it's important to know where to find reliable emergency medical services in Jamaica, just in case.

If you're heading to Kingston, here are some emergency healthcare facilities you can consider.

Andrew Memorial Hospital

Located on Hope Road, Andrew Memorial Hospital is one of the top private hospitals in the Caribbean.

This facility offers a comprehensive range of acute care services and a 24-hour emergency department.

So in case you meet with an accident or suffer an injury during an excursion in Kingston, you can gain access to urgent medical care.

Beyond emergency services, Andrew Memorial Hospital is the only healthcare provider in Jamaica authorized to conduct health screenings for the United States Embassy as part of immigration processing.

Medical Associates Hospital

Medical Associates Hospital is a preferred healthcare provider in Kingston for its comprehensive services.

Located a few blocks from Emancipation Park, this hospital offers routine check-ups, preventive care, and specialized treatments, utilizing advanced medical technologies.

Medical insurance for travel

Don't wait until you're in an accident and need medical care to think about international health insurance.

Having international health insurance can make a big difference in how much you enjoy your vacation in Jamaica.

In addition to packing your favorite swimwear and planning your dream itinerary, take the time to find the best international health insurance that suits your specific health needs.

If you're traveling with family, opt for a comprehensive health plan that covers everyone, not just the kids and the elders.
